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Modern Resume Templates

The job in the innovative fields isn’t easy to get. A modern resume that’s up to the standards of the current era and gives a modish feel can catch the attention of the hiring manager and get you recruited.

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What is the Modern Resume Template?

The dynamic candidates seeking jobs in the innovative fields, which did not exist a few years back, should get their hands on one of our modern resume templates to design a resume that will let the recruiter see the spark they can add to their companies. The stylish fonts and interest-grabbing color palettes add up the sense of elegance in all of the modern resume templates offered on this tool.


The text in the resume has to be as per the latest writing style and contain specific action verbs that depict a candidate’s skills. It’s up to the candidate to choose a simple design that can catch the recruiter’s attention or select a trendy resume template that matches or relates to the company’s style.

What to Include in a Modern Resume?

`$The main objective of making a modern resume is to convince the hiring manager that you are the perfect match for the position. This is only possible if you include everything that the recruiter will be looking for in a resume. A modern resume must include and elaborate on the points given below. The modern resume template you’ll find on our resume builder covers all of these points that will persuade the recruiter on hiring you.` `$You should include:`

Contact Information:

`$This section must include your name, phone number, email, and address. In addition, as per the job position you’re applying for, you can also include the link to your portfolio under the same point.`


`$The summary of your resume should define who you are and why you are qualified for this position in two to three lines. The summary should be capable enough to make the employer consider you for the job, as he/she is most likely not to go through your resume entirely.`

Employment history:

`$It’s usually called professional experience, and the most effective way to present it in the modern resume is the chronological format. You must list down the experience backward in time, starting from the most recent job. Alongside each listing, write down the start and end dates of the job and the responsibilities you had.`


`$This section should be started with your most recent educational accomplishments. You can also include the courses you have completed relevant to the job you’re applying for.`

Relevant skills:

`$last but not least thing you’ll find in a modern resume template is the space to add up skills relevant to the position you are applying for.`

What To Avoid In A Modern Resume?

`$Obviously, modern resume styles have to include something that will help you stand out from the pack. But a thing that you should keep in mind is that you might end up standing out from the rest of the candidates in the wrong way. You should avoid the following things in a modern resume.`

Including unnecessary hobbies:

`$Many people consider adding up hobbies or activities as a way to fill up the white space on a resume. But your interests and habits greatly impact the job you’re applying for, and it gives the sense to a reader of whether you’re the best fit for the position or not. Therefore, you should not include hobbies that are unrelated to the job you are seeking.`

Inconsistent formatting:

`$Bolding or underlining the headings and subheadings on a resume is a smart way to catch the reader’s attention. The formatting will work for you as long as it stays consistent. The inconsistent formatting will create a negative impact and give the wrong signals to the reader. For instance, if some headings in a resume are bold and some are not, then the reader might think that the ones that aren’t bold don’t carry an importance.`

Hard to read font:

`$There’s no harm in exploring stylish and unique fonts for giving a modern touch to your resume, but it’s essential to avoid using fonts that make it hard for the recruiters to read. The fonts that can create a disturbance or don’t balance with the color scheme of your resume must not be used.`

When To Pick A Modern Resume Template?

`$The candidates looking forward to applying in the fields like designing, marketing, IT, or technology can go for a modern resume template. With the free modern resume templates provided on our tool, the applicants can match the style of the companies and present themselves as pioneering individuals. You can also choose to follow the modern resume format for applying as a fresh candidate.` `$The cool resume templates can also work with the companies that mold themselves with the changing trends. The bold design of an attractive resume can help you stay ahead of competing interviewees in the employer’s eyes.`

How Does A Modern Resume Look Like?

`$The layout of the modern resume should be graceful and eye-catching. The design of a modern resume involves the following elements.`
  • It comes with the perfect font
  • There’s space for adding a logo or photo
  • The exciting colors are used throughout the resume
  • Creative layout for portraying skills
  • Enough white space for making it easy for the reader to skim through content.

Modern Resume Formatting Tips

`$Formatting is one of the essential traits of a modern resume that can catch the employer’s attention and help you in getting hired. The modern resume examples on this tool are all formatted from top to bottom so that the user won’t have to face difficulty in formatting. The tips for formatting a modern resume are as follows.`


`$Your resume should contain concise statements in the form of brief sentences or bullets. You don’t have to write long paragraphs in any of the sections.`

Font size:

`$The font size you use in the resume should be between 11 to 13. Anything greater or shorter than the mentioned size will make the font illegible, and the recruiter won’t bother to even have a look over it.`


`$Avoid using the first person pronouns completely.`


`$Showcase the previous jobs’ work experience in the past tense and the current one in the present tense.`


`$Whether you’re using periods at the end of the sentence or not, stay consistent throughout the resume. Also, use bold, italics, or underlining formatting steadily.`
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